Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Applying for citizenship cheatsheet

03 July 2023

The Department of Home Affairs has provided us with some guidance for non-protected Special Category Visa-holders (SCVs) applying for Australian citizenship under the new direct pathway.

Before applying

Hint: download the PDF application form and refer to the explanatory notes on the first 12 pages.

Travel records

Home Affairs are receiving a higher than usual number of requests for international travel movement records. When entering your travel dates, dates of first arrival or visa grant dates, an estimated date will be accepted and the processing officer will confirm the exact dates using their systems after you lodge your application.

Do not hold an appropriate visa or cannot be identified

If you have not travelled on your current passport your SCV will not be connected to it. Provide details of your previous and current passports when asked in the online form.

Note: non-protected SCVs permanent residence commencement date is 1 July 2022, or your arrival date if you began residing in Australia after 1 July 2022.

If you cannot resolve the issue refer to the technical help on the Home Affairs website.

Do not meet eligibility criteria

If the citizenship application says you are not eligible, check you have correctly entered your citizenship details.

If you have been issued a new passport since last entering Australia Home Affairs will not know, and your SCV will not be connected to it. Provide details of your previous and current passport in your citizenship application or update your ImmiAccount.

Use the Home Affairs Residency calculator. Note, non-protected SCVs permanent residence date is 1 July 2022, or your arrival date if you began residing in Australia after 1 July 2022. Click the Add Details button and enter the dates you have departed and entered Australia.

If you cannot resolve the issue refer to the technical help on the Home Affairs website.

Citizenship details

Has this applicant ever held citizenship of any country? Include all current and previous citizenships held.

Answer Yes and click Add. Enter New Zealand and any other applicable countries.

Date citizenship ended

Leave blank if you only hold New Zealand citizenship or have not relinquished any other citizenships held.

Previous application

Does the applicant have the details of their previous application?

Answer, No. This is used when the system is having difficulties trying to identify you. If you answer ‘yes’ you will be prompted to provide a reference number that you are unlikely to have.

Residence details

Permanent visa grant date

If you are a non-protected Special Category Visa-holder applying under the new direct pathway your PR is backdated to 1 July 2022. If you were first granted an SCV on or after 1 July 2022, you will be considered a permanent resident for citizenship purposes from your date of arrival.

Date of first arrival

If you have only ever had a Special Category Visa answer No to the Other Australian Visa details.

Unable to provide supporting documents or information

If you do not have current photographic identification, or are unable to obtain supporting documents such as birth, marriage or divorce certificates; change of name documents; or a correctly endorsed photograph; upload a statement or statutory declaration outlining the reasons why the information is unable to be provided.

It is important that you respond to the Department if you receive a request for documents or information, even if you are unable to provide what has been requested.

Technical help

If you cannot resolve an issue with your application, refer to Common issues and error messages and ImmiAccount Technical Support on the Home Affairs website.

Have a question?

See our citizenship application troubleshooting information or click the Ask a Question box at the bottom of the Home Affairs website to use the digital assistant. It may not work with Mozilla Firefox in private browsing mode.

Alternatively, phone the Department of Home Affairs on 13 18 81.


The above “Applying for citizenship cheatsheet” information should not be relied on as an alternative to advice from the Department of Home Affairs, or a professional immigration services provider.

If you have any specific questions about an immigration matter, you should consult the Department of Home Affairs or a professional immigration services provider.