Oz Kiwi has wound up

After 11 years of hard mahi / work by our volunteers Oz Kiwi wound up on 30 June 2024. Our website and Facebook page remain live so you can access information.
There is now a fair and affordable pathway to Australian citizenship by conferral for New Zealanders living in Australia. Thanks to the Albanese Labor Government and our Champions on both sides of the Tasman.
You can honour Oz Kiwi’s work by applying for citizenship in the country you call home.
- Protected SCVs have always been eligible to apply for citizenship.
- Children born in Australia may be a citizen from birth, or the age of 10.
History of Oz Kiwi
We have created a timeline of our achievements and hurdles we had to overcome. From coming together in 2013 to form the Facebook group, our petition being tabled in Parliament in 2015, and other key milestones.
Federal election 2025
The next Australian Federal election is expected in 2025. The LNP are already indicating they want to reduce migration. If they were to form government they could increase the citizenship application fee, or remove the new pathway and reintroduce the expensive NZ 189 Visa. In the past they created a huge backlog by slowing down visa and citizenship processing.
Apply for Australian citizenship
The Special Category Visa (SCV) is only considered a permanent visa for citizenship purposes. In all other regards it is still a temporary visa, so you have no safety net unless you apply for citizenship.
Below are some resources to help you apply for citizenship by conferral:
Options for Australian citizenship for the new pathway.
Home Affairs Residency calculator.
Home Affairs Become a citizen Step by step tab. Note down the required information and supporting documents before starting your application.
Cheatsheet if you have any issues with your application.
Ask a question on the Home Affairs website.
Home Affairs Technical support.