Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Canberra meetings with Federal Ministers

Oz Kiwi representatives with Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Photo supplied.
Oz Kiwi representatives with Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Photo supplied.

08 November 2022

Meeting with Federal Treasurer and Minister for Home Affairs

This morning Oz Kiwi representatives met with the Minister for Home Affairs Clare O'Neil and Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers at Parliament House, Canberra. Discussions focused on the current government review of New Zealanders rights in Australia.

We cannot disclose the details of the discussions. However, we are working to ensure the review delivers positive changes without unintended consequences.

Oz Kiwi representatives with Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil. Photo supplied.
Oz Kiwi representatives with Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil. Photo supplied.

Meeting with Minister for Citizenship Minister & Immigration

Later in the day, Oz Kiwi representatives met with Andrew Giles, Minister for Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism at Parliament House, Canberra. Discussions focused on the review of New Zealanders rights and processing delays for visa and citizenship applications.

We cannot disclose the details of the discussions. However, we are working to ensure the review delivers positive changes.

Oz Kiwi representatives with Minister for Citizenship & Immigration Andrew Giles. Photo supplied.
Oz Kiwi representatives with Minister for Citizenship & Immigration Andrew Giles. Photo supplied.

Earlier this year Andrew Giles announced that 370 additional staff are processing visa and citizenship processing staff have been recruited since the election.

Andrew Giles has been very supportive of New Zealanders living in Australia. In April 2020 he advocated for Kiwis to be eligible for the Corona Virus Jobkeeper Payment. He also worked to block the previous government's proposed citizenship changes.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has committed to reviewing the rights of New Zealanders living in Australia, including the path to citizenship. Both New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese support positive change.

Last month Oz Kiwi Chair Joanne Cox had a Q & A with Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil. Topics included clearing the backlog of New Zealand 189 Visa applications, and the current review of New Zealanders rights in Australia.