Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Morrison and Ardern debate 'corrosive' deportation policy

Jacinda Ardern criticised Australia's deportation policy. (Photo: Dominic Lorimer/The Sydney Morning Herald)
Jacinda Ardern criticised Australia's deportation policy. (Photo: Dominic Lorimer/The Sydney Morning Herald)

28 February 2020

Nick Pearson - 9 News

A tense and awkward debate between Scott Morrison and Jacinda Ardern flared up at a joint press conference when the Prime Ministers squared off over Australian deportation laws.

In a back-and-forth outside Kirribilli House, the leaders took turns in front of the microphone to take verbal swings at their counterpart.

Ms Ardern first criticised Australia's policy of deporting non-citizens after they have committed serious crimes. That includes many people who have little to no ties to their country of birth.

Ms Ardern conceded that “not every Kiwi migrant will be perfect. Evidence shows that the vast majority are providing a net benefit to Australia. They earn more, they are more likely to be employed, and they pay more tax than their Aussie-born counterparts. They are Australia's best migrants.”

Ms Ardern also criticised Australia for not allowing residents from New Zealand to access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) be allowed to join the Australian Defence Force.

“Kiwis want to contribute to the place that is now their home,” Ardern said.

Read the full 9 News article.