Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Kiwis push for pathways to citizenship in Australia

06 November 2022
Kiwis want citizenship pathways. NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in June. (Photo: Nick Moir)
Kiwis want citizenship pathways. NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in June. (Photo: Nick Moir)

06 November 2022

Tom McIlroy and Tom Richardson - Australian Financial Review

New Zealanders advocating for pathways to Australian citizenship will meet with Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil in Canberra this week, as more than 11,000 Kiwis remain stuck in a years-long visa processing backlog.

After Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern pledged renewed co-operation between the two countries in June - including progress on citizenship and enhanced voting rights - campaigners say applicants for the 189 visa stream were left languishing by the former Morrison government.

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