Oz Kiwi is run by volunteers and entirely funded by public koha (donations). Donations are used to fund our advocacy work:
- meeting politicians in Australia and New Zealand
- raising awareness of the issues for New Zealanders living in Australia
- operating expenses such as website hosting, insurance, registration fees (ASIC and CAV).
Please consider donating to enable Oz Kiwi to continue its work. Even $5 will help. Thank you for your support.
Ngā mihi
Donations can be made by bank deposit.
About Oz Kiwi
Oz Kiwi is a Not for Profit, registered as a Registrable Australian Body with ASIC.
Donations are not tax deductible as Oz Kiwi is not a registered charity.
Have a question?
Have a question about your visa, citizenship or your entitlements? See our FAQs.

Australian Parliament House, Canberra. Photo: Supplied.

Parliament buidlings, Wellington. Photo: Tomson & Tolsen.