Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Why Australia needs an immigration review

Allah Noor at his home in Dandenong, Melbourne VIC.
Allah Noor at his home in Dandenong, Melbourne VIC.

Please note

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil this week launched a four-month review of the immigration system. The immigration review will look into long wait times for visa processing and visa categories.

The immigration review is separate to the review of New Zealanders rights in Australia. The Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers want to bring back reciprocal rights for citizens of both countries.

12 November 2022

Tom McIlroy - Australian Financial Review

When Allah Noor first lodged paperwork to get permanent residency in Australia, he had no idea of the more than three years of delay and bureaucratic gridlock to come.

The country's struggling migration system and COVID-19 disruption swallowed up their applications, leaving the family in limbo. Medical checks and background information lodged in 2019 is now out of date and Noor is being asked to submit again - an expensive, time-consuming and frustrating process.

[Read the full AFR article, pay walled, or access a PDF of the AFR article].