Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Senate Committee hearing into Citizenship Bill

Oz Kiwi were witnesses at a public hearing by the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs.
Oz Kiwi were witnesses at a public hearing by the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

26 August 2017

Oz Kiwi were witnesses at a public hearing by the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs.

Representatives from Oz Kiwi attended the Legal & Constitutional Affairs Legislation Senate Committee hearing into the Citizenship Amendment Bill on Friday 25 August 2017.

We were included in a panel with four representatives from two other organisations. We made a statement briefly summarising our written submission, and answered questions put to us by the Senate Committee members. There is another hearing in Brisbane on 31 August for other organisations, and the Senate Committee Report is due on 4 September 2017.

It's then up to the Government as to when the Bill is debated in the Senate and voted on (it has been tabled in the Senate). With all the dual citizenship s44 Constitution issues going on it's hard to know when that will be. Our estimate is October or November 2017.

Senate Committee transcript

The submissions from the each of the organisations invited to attend the hearings, and the Hansard transcripts, are published on the Senate Committee's webpage.