Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Productivity Commission inquiry into the NDIS

25 January 2017

The Federal Government recently announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The terms of reference are quite restrictive, focusing overwhelmingly on costs and efficiency. However, there is still some room for us to raise the exclusion of New Zealanders in the course of this inquiry.

We'd encourage all New Zealand citizens permanently residing in Australia, who are affected by the denial of NDIS services, to make submissions to the inquiry.

The Commission is due to release its Issues Paper in February and this will provide some guidance about the thinking of the Commission and what issues it sees as being relevant. It is at this point that it would be best to begin considering drafting submissions.

We'll let you know once the Issues Paper has been published and are happy to provide guidance in the drafting of submissions.