Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Oz Kiwi in Canberra

Parliament House, Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Parliament House, Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)

13 February 2019

Oz Kiwi representatives are in Canberra today for meetings with Labor & Greens members.

We also had a good meeting with the New Zealand High Commission (NZHC). Most Kiwis are probably unaware of how much great advocacy work the NZHC does behind the scenes on their behalf.

There's a lot happening on the issues we are advocating for, particularly going into the Federal election. We will keep you updated on any significant changes. Watch this space.

Forecourt of Parliament House, Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Forecourt of Parliament House, Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Shrine of Rememberance viewed from Parliament House, Canberra (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Shrine of Rememberance viewed from Parliament House, Canberra (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
New Zealand High Commission building in Canberra (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
New Zealand High Commission building in Canberra (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Māori carvings at the New Zealand High Commission in Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)
Māori carvings at the New Zealand High Commission in Canberra. (Photo: Oz Kiwi)