Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

A lose-lose situation for Australia and New Zealand

Map of Australia composed of bank notes (Photo: Google images)
Map of Australia composed of bank notes (Photo: Google images)
Map of Australia composed of bank notes (Photo: Google images)

01 August 2013

Dr Timothy Gassin - Oz Kiwi

Australian immigration policies for New Zealand Citizens introduced in 2001 are a short term win for the Australian Government - it takes taxes from NZ citizens, yet denies them services, saving some money in the process.

However, in the long term, there will be substantial losses for Australia, including:

The list could go on.

The reality is that the Australian Government will need to rectify the injustice of its current policies at some point - it is ridiculous that both some of the listed situations could be allowed to continue or that most Australians could accept a situation in which someone brought to the country as a one week old baby could still be denied any pathway to citizenship despite living here legally for 30, 40, 50, or more years and knowing no other home. The problem the Government faces is that the longer it puts off fixing its failed policies, the more damage it will have to clean up and the more it will cost to the budget.