Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

ALP support citizenship for all New Zealanders

The Australian Labor Party support a fair pathway to citizenship for all New Zealanders residing in Australia.
The Australian Labor Party support a fair pathway to citizenship for all New Zealanders residing in Australia.


18 December 2018

The Australian Labor Party ratified the two policies relating to New Zealanders at their National Conference in December 2018.

08 September 2018

The Australian Labor Party have a consultation draft of their National Platform outlining the ALP's policies in preparation for the next Federal Election. The policies will be voted on at the ALP National Conference in December 2018.

Both ALP policies were first ratified in July 2015. One supporting a fair pathway to citizenship for all New Zealanders residing in Australia, and one ensuring no migrant is permanently temporary. Both policies are outlined below.

Australian Labor Party Policy Platform

Chapter 2: A strong economy for all Australians

Skilled Migration (page 27)

116. Labor is committed to ensuring that no migrant is permanently temporary. This recognises that many permanent migrants begin their time in Australia as temporary migrant

Chapter 9: A fair go for all

A nation built on migration (page 159)

  1. Labor believes that there is an inequity for New Zealand citizens living in Australia under the terms of the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangements (TTTA). Labor believes that there should be consideration given to the permanent residency status and potential citizenship arrangements for New Zealand citizens living in Australia under the terms of the TTTA.
ALP National Platform consultation draft (April 2018)
ALP National Platform consultation draft (April 2018)

More recently the Coalition Government announced a proposed new pathway to permanent residency in February 2016. The New Zealand stream 189 visa became available from 1 July 2017.

For more details on the advocacy work Oz Kiwi has been involved in refer to Advocating to government.