Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Day 3 - ALP Conference

Australian Labor Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek spoke at a family violence fringe session. (Photo: J Cox)
Australian Labor Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek spoke at a family violence fringe session. (Photo: J Cox)

18 December 2018

Day 3 - a report from the Australian Labor Party conference

Oz Kiwi representatives are in Adelaide this weekend for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) National Conference.

Today we attended a number of Fringe events and spoke to the panelists afterwards. We've also spoken to a number of Labor candidates and Federal Members, building relationships and educating them on the issues for Kiwis living in Australia.

Senator Doug Cameron, Labor Party Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek and Senator Pat Dodson participated in a discussion on Housing in 21 Century.

Labor Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek spoke at a domestic violence session with Jayne Stinson (SA Shadow Minister for Child Protection), Natalie Lang (Secretary, Aus Shopworkers Union) Secretary), and Julia Fox (National Assistant Secretary, ASU) discussed support and services for victims of domestic violence.

The room was packed for the session on Australia's role in the Pacific, and we were pleased to see New Zealand High Commission representatives there. Former Foreign Affairs Minister Gareth Evans, Labor Shadow Defence Minister Richard Marles joined Labor Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong in the discussion.

Former Foreign Affair's Ministers Gareth Evans and Richard Marles joined Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong. (Photo J Cox)