Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Day 1 - ALP Conference 2018

Tanya Plibersek speaking at ALP 2018 Conference. (Photo: J Cox)
Tanya Plibersek speaking at ALP 2018 Conference. (Photo: J Cox)

16 December 2018

Day 1 - a report from the Australian Labor Party conference

Oz Kiwi representatives are in Adelaide this weekend for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) National Conference.

Today we attended a number of Fringe events and spoke to the panelists afterwards. We've also spoken to a number of Labor candidates and Federal Members, building relationships and educating them on the issues for Kiwis living in Australia.

NDIS & Beyond

NDIS & Beyond discussion with NSW MP Linda Burney (Shadow Min Families & Social Services) Lorna Hallahan (Flinders University), Alison Verhoeven (CEO Australian healthcare and hospital association) and Kiwi Dr Roger Slee (researcher at University of SA, from Auckland University).

Education funding now

Tanya Plibersek speaking at a Fringe event on education at the ALP Conf 2018. (Photo: J Cox)
Tanya Plibersek speaking at a Fringe event on education at the ALP Conf 2018. (Photo: J Cox)

Shadow Minister for Education, and Deputy Labor Party leader, Tanya Plibersek spoke about increasing funding for the education sector. She actively campaigned last year to stop the higher education reforms. Check out the video she and Jim Chalmers made for Oz Kiwi.