Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Canberra - one day down, one more to go

09 November 2016
Australian Parliament House, Canberra.
Australian Parliament House, Canberra.

08 November 2016

Oz Kiwi are currently in Canberra for meetings with politicians from across the political spectrum including Government representatives. The meetings have been informative for them and helpful for Oz Kiwi.

One of the key things is to educate and inform MPs and their advisors on the issues. Many are unaware of the situation faced by Special Category Visa-holders. It's encouraging that those we met with express concern at the lack of available support for Kiwis and their families.

The 2001 changes affect both New Zealanders and their Australian children and partners. Even if you can't vote your Federal member represents you. Please take the time to discuss the issues with them. Once they know the impact many are sympathetic and want to work towards reform.

Oz Kiwi also held a very constructive meeting with with Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The core of the discussion was the proposed new visa pathway. The policy is still being finalised however we highlighted the various issues around the eligibility criteria and exemptions.