Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Ardern & Morrison: press conference after joint talks in Sydney

Jacinda Ardern and Scott Morrison during their joint press conference in Sydney. (Photo: SBS)
Jacinda Ardern and Scott Morrison during their joint press conference in Sydney. (Photo: SBS)

28 February 2020

Oz Kiwi opinion

New Zealand Prime Jacinda Ardern met with her Australian counterpart Scott Morrison yesterday in Sydney and in a surprise attack blasted him for issues affecting Kiwi long term residents of Australia.

Ardern got the boot in on Kiwis bring denied access to the NDIS, to work in the Federal government sector, entry to the ADF and the corrosive deportation policy.

Ardern asked that Australia not deport those raised here since childhood. The impact of that policy is tearing families apart and creating issues in New Zealand for those returned to a country they don't know. Without any support network these people often resort to crime, join criminal gangs or tragically take their own lives.

Oz Kiwi supports bringing back the ten year protective rule so anyone residing for a decade would only be deported for serious and/or violent crimes. Too many are deported for first time offences, minor offending like shoplifting or marijuana selling.

Ardern gets to the point at 7.30 minutes into the press conference.

Link to Ardern Morrison press conference

[Watch the joint press conference (SBS)].