Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Accessing your Superannuation early

Early access to your Super.
Early access to your Super.

Corona virus pandemic

The government is temporarily allowing individuals affected by the Coronavirus to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation in 2019-20 and a further $10,000 in 2020-21. Please seek financial advice before withdrawing any funds.

Note: you only need to satisfy one of the eligibility requirements.

New Zealanders are eligible for the Corona Virus JobKeeper Wage Subsidy and some Centrelink payments. They can also claim the JobSeeker Allowance or Youth Allowance after residing in Australia for 10 years or more.

10 October 2015

Accessing your Superannuation early

There are very limited circumstances when you can access your Super early. These circumstances are mainly related to severe financial hardship or compassionate grounds.

Always seek financial advice before withdrawing money from your Superannuation fund.

Accessing Super due to severe financial hardship

You may be able to withdraw some of your Super if you have received eligible government income support payments continuously for 26 weeks and are unable to meet reasonable and immediate family living expenses.

Please note

Find out more about accessing your Superannuation or KiwiSaver funds early.

Accessing Super on compassionate grounds

Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia or New Zealand may be allowed to withdraw some of their Superannuation or KiwiSaver on compassionate grounds for unpaid expenses.

Compassionate grounds include:

Find out more about accessing your Superannuation or KiwiSaver funds on compassionate grounds


Eligibility for the Aged Pension or NZ Superannuation

Who can access their Super early

Transferring funds between an Australian Superfund and KiwiSaver

Accessing KiwiSaver funds early