Rights Comparison Table

Breaking news
22 April 2023
Non-protected Special Category Visa-holders who have resided in Australia for at least the past four years can apply directly for citizenship from the 1 July 2023 without needing to apply for a permanent visa.
06 March 2016
A table showing the rights of New Zealand residents in Australia compared to the rights of Australians residing in New Zealand. Note: this information is applicable prior to the direct citizenship pathway announced on 22 April 2023.
* = Non-protected Special Category Visa-holders may be eligible after ten years of continuous residence in Australia for a one-off payment of JobSeeker (formerly Newstart), Sickness, or Youth Allowance of up to six months. They only have limited access to other Centrelink payments.
Download a copy of the Oz Kiwi Rights Comparison Table March 2016.